Bildnisse in Dendera. © Fotoschlumpfs Abenteuerreisen Fotoschlumpfs Abenteuer bei einem weiteren Naturwunder
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Dendera mit Fotoschlumpf

Fotoschlumpfs Abenteuerreisen macht eine Nilkreuzfahrt

55 km north of Luxor is the sky goddess Hathor of Dendera temple dedicated  system. In the original spelling of the name Hat-Hor, which translates as, House of  Horus', that means Horus temple was.  Dendera comes from the Greek word Tentyra. The Hathor is located on the left  side of the Nile in the Qena Governorate today. The ruins of the ancient city of  Dendera located at the edge of the desert. The planning of the main temple go back to the great Khufu, the Cheops who  built the pyramids of Giza. At the beginning of the restoration work in the 19th  century, a large part of the palace was covered with desert sand. This has saved  many frescoes and images of iconoclasm and vandalism of past centuries.  The main building, has been worked on for over 200 years, is one of the best  preserved temples of the ancient Egyptians. The hypostyle hall boasts a clean  design of the works of art and the ancient Egyptian writing hieroglyphs. The completed under the Roman Emperor Nero horror hall, which is supported by  24 columns is 27.5 m high and 43 long. The temple complex itself has a size of 34  * 81 m.  On the ceiling of the Osiriskappelle in the Temple of Hathor was found during the  Napoleonic expedition in the hall of the sky two famous Zodiac, the Frenchman  who just stolen and are now on display in the Louvre in Paris. Photo Smurf  Adventure Travel she visited in 1992 in the Louvre. Photographs from no longer  exist, the pre-digital era of photo Smurf adventures. What A Shame. Today, the  restored palace of Dendera depends a true copy. Today, as a theft would  obviously not be possible. On the other hand, it is also unique artifacts from the  collection of human culture. If the current news of the destruction of other  cultural products of human history you look through the IS, Photo Smurf  Adventure is pleased that many works of art were brought to safety. Last but not  least is one of them belongs to me and Nefertiti, which was about 300 kilometers  north of Dendera found, do so. Cultural heritage must be protected at all costs  and stay. The stone-carved reliefs of the Ptolemäder time are probably the oldest signs of  the zodiac in Egypt. The arrangement of the zodiac signs and the immortalized  deities represents a particular sky constellation from this period. On the reliefs of  the zodiac Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius,  goat fish, Aquarius and fish can be seen. This lack of Capricorn, but is identical  with the goat fish. Our current zodiac sign have their origin is therefore at least  the ancient Egyptians or earlier. In the temple, the temple complex there is a conspiratorial detail in the frescoes.  Possessed by the ancient Egyptians already have the technology to generate  electricity? But were already influences extraterrestrial intelligences exist?  Para Scientific authors such as Erich von Däniken or photo Smurf Adventure  describe the reliefs as further evidence of präastronautische symbols,  demonstrating that the Egyptians adopted aliens than your gods and learned to  use modern technology by you. How else can it be that more than 2,000 years to find old pictures of  incandescent lamps in the temple? But the crucial question would be, why did the  great civilization of Egypt, which existed after all, more than three thousand lost  the knowledge and do not evolve. In what kind of world we would today life when the invention of the IPhones would have been 1,500 years ago?
                                                                                                               Auf den Spuren von Agatha Christie.
Auf Nilkreuzfahrt in Dendera. By Fotoschlumpfs Abenteuerreisen Auf Nilkreuzfahrt in Dendera. By Fotoschlumpfs Abenteuerreisen Auf Nilkreuzfahrt in Dendera. By Fotoschlumpfs Abenteuerreisen Auf Nilkreuzfahrt in Dendera. By Fotoschlumpfs Abenteuerreisen Auf Nilkreuzfahrt in Dendera. By Fotoschlumpfs Abenteuerreisen Auf Nilkreuzfahrt in Dendera. By Fotoschlumpfs Abenteuerreisen Auf Nilkreuzfahrt in Dendera. By Fotoschlumpfs Abenteuerreisen Auf Nilkreuzfahrt in Dendera. By Fotoschlumpfs Abenteuerreisen Auf Nilkreuzfahrt in Dendera. By Fotoschlumpfs Abenteuerreisen Auf Nilkreuzfahrt in Dendera. By Fotoschlumpfs Abenteuerreisen Auf Nilkreuzfahrt in Dendera. By Fotoschlumpfs Abenteuerreisen Auf Nilkreuzfahrt in Dendera. By Fotoschlumpfs Abenteuerreisen Auf Nilkreuzfahrt in Dendera. By Fotoschlumpfs Abenteuerreisen Auf Nilkreuzfahrt in Dendera. By Fotoschlumpfs Abenteuerreisen Auf Nilkreuzfahrt in Dendera. By Fotoschlumpfs Abenteuerreisen Auf Nilkreuzfahrt in Dendera. By Fotoschlumpfs Abenteuerreisen Logo von Fotoschlumpf Kochen wie zu Oma's Zeiten Hamburgs Stadt im Grünen Meine Perle Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit Die Wiege der heutigen Zivilisation Mein Zuhause Fotoschlumpfs Abenteuerreisen bei den Welterbestätten Mehr von Fotoschlumpfs Abenteuer Dit un Dat

Hamburgs Stadt im Grünen Meine Perle Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit Die Wiege der heutigen Zivilisation Mein Zuhause Fotoschlumpfs Abenteuerreisen bei den Welterbestätten Mit Fotoschlumpf in die Zeit der Ahnen reisen. Dit un Dat Mehr von Fotoschlumpfs Abenteuer